I think this picture is more in keeping with the wide-eyed optimism and youthful vigor that my blog represents and that my readers have come to expect. It also represents the last time women found me attractive.
**Edited to add: In addition, I've added Big Orange, Lulu, and GETkristiLOVE to my blogroll. There are a few of you that are on the bubble, but I'm waiting to see more content to determine your worthiness.
I don't know if I believe you that this was the last age you had the ladies falling all over you ... but, yeah, that photo's gonna get a bevy of babes all over you.
While this picture is adorable, I really liked your old avatar. It was quirky and I found it attractive.
I'd like to take the 2006 Chris on a test drive, let me tell you...
The whole appearance insecurity thing is something I do to avoid thinking that women don't like me because of my personality. That would really depress me. Believe me, I know I'm 100% Grade-A American Beefcake.
Is your little blue hoodie made of velour? Too cute for words!
Chris...I love the toe-head look! The old picture gave you the "that's right" kindof look in the comments...now you are innocent.
PS...you are cute now.
(raises hand)
Thank you for linking to me....as soon as I stop procrastinating, I'll return the favor.
Big Orange: No, you aren't on the bubble. You made it! Rejoice!
Marni: I believe it was velour. Good eye!
Dirty: Yeah, I was a major league toe-head. I still am when I spend enough time in the sun.
Megan: Let me know when to start charging dues and selling T-shirts.
Lulu: Thanks! I hope to keep y'all interested.
I just realized that you said that you were scared that it was your personality that kept the ladies away...Let me tell you that someone will be lucky to have you...your personality is gold.
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