Shepard "Shep" Smith is the host of "Fox Report With Shepard Smith" each weekday at 7:00 P.M. EST. First of all, "Shep" is something you name a sheepdog or a character in a Coen Brothers flick. It is NOT an appropriate name for a newscaster. Is it me or is this guy just a warmed-over Bob Eubanks wannabe?
Rumor has it he's rather openly gay in NYC ... so why is he working for Fox News?
Beth-I never heard that. Something about his face is off. It looks like his eyes are making a desperate attempt to get out of the way of his nose & forehead. Almost to the point of being on the sides of his head - like a fish.
I think he should team up with that other dork and do the Shep and Tucker report.
Dude, those eyebrows....
Shep is TOTALLY not an appropriate name for a newscaster, but you seem to be overlooking the small fact that Shep Smith is NOT a real newscaster. Newscasting involves giving us, you know, news. Whereas your boy Shep is in the business of giving us his OPINION and pretending like it's news. And what are you doing watching Fox "News" anyway?!
I like to keep an eye on the enemy.
What have they done to Shapard Smith's eyebrows. At first, I thought that he might be into heavy drugs, but my friends think some makeup artist has gone overboard.
i just watched this video here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg8LhxYqBJs&feature=related
as a result if i Ever c a program with u in it i will turn off my tv...shame on u to ridiule mothers who can their children their babies. a mothers child is Always her baby.
your action towards ms.namoi wolf was appalling.
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