
Halloween Cuteness...

My one-year-old niece watching the elephants in her chicken costume.

From the front...


Geo said...

Thank you Easter Bunny – bawk, bawk!

Oh, wait...

Anonymous said...

That is so cute I can't stand it.

No more cutesy for me... I have pre-teen boys :(

Some Guy said...

Whoa there, Vikki! Before you go calling DCFS, I got these pics from my sister. I wasn't there. Besides, modern zoos may have probably changed slightly since the last time you were at one. They actually separate the animals from the human visitors now. I know, how boring!

Anonymous said...

Very cute!!

vikkitikkitavi said...

But still, taunting caged animals with a nice, plump chicken-shaped morsel - very cruel.

Teri said...

how cute is she?

Cup said...

Okay, she's adorable.

Anonymous said...

Amazing!! She is adorable!

lulu said...

I saw that costume at the store and was really pushing for my niece to get it, but she was a dragon instead.

She's damn cute though, glad someone got it.

Some Guy said...

Vikki- Hee Hee! You're cute when you're angry!

SkippyMom said...

I just finished your blog - WOW! - sad I have nothing else to read by you, but duly impressed by what I have read so far!

I picked this post to comment on b/c I wanted to tell you how CUTE she is - you are a great Uncle -

I honestly could've left fawning comments on almost every post, but was too anxious to read the "next one down" -

Well done Monkey Balls - well done!

[and I didn't read all your comments, but I can say the Football posts are great and don't bother this female reader in the least - you crack me up!]