
Virtual House Tour...

I set up my tripod in the middle of my living room and then pivoted the camera to get different shots. There is nothing inherently interesting about these shots, just a glimpse into my home decor at a particular moment in time:


The Boob Lady said...

I love the cat in the sunlight, mine love to sleep in my laundry basket, on the table, in the sun. Don't ask, I don't have an answer. I also see that the Canadian Flag is front and CENTER in your collection. The way it should be. You make me proud. *Sniff*

Jen said...

You haven't introduced your cat...

does kitty have a name??

Some Guy said...

Boob Lady- I have nothing but fond memories of Canada.

Jen- I talk about him in an old post in August.

His name is "The Assman". I know you of all people can appreciate that.

Anonymous said...

Nice pix.
LMAO at kitty's name.
Just curious, no window coverings?

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Oh my God...I have the exact same DVD player.

Anonymous said...

Are those fish decoys?

Some Guy said...

Mixed Nut- Yes. There is a link to more along the side there.

Anonymous said...

Do you take them fishing with you? And if so, are they as effective as duck decoys?

Some Guy said...

Mixed Nut- Believe it or not, I don't fish. One of those in the picture (on the far right) is an actual working decoy. People use them for ice fishing. It is weighted so that it's neutrally buoyant and looks like a real fish swimming. Then, when other fish are atracted, they spear them with this trident thing. It seems like a lot of work to me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Chris.
I swear I never heard of such a thing as using fish decoys.
Lures, yes. Decoys, no.