While looking for a picture of the Speak & Spell for the last post, I was reminded of something. I had this toy as a child and I give it a lot of credit for how brilliant I am today. One thing I remember about it is that the little computer voice pronounced every letter correctly, except for the letter "M". Instead of pronouncing it "em", it pronounced it "im". Any time it asked me to spell a word with an "M", I'd type the right letters until I got to the "M" and then I'd just keep typing "M" over and over because it sounded so funny to me.
Now, bear in mind, I was dropped on my head a lot as a child.
I liked the way it said "nuisance." I used to purposely misspell it just to hear it say, "No. I'm sorry that is incorrect. The correct spelling of nyoosance is. . ."
I think you and I share the same kind of funnybone.
I fondly remember a few times I went to Chuck E. Cheese's as a younger lad.
They had some games loaded on an old Apple II computer, one of them being a voice synthesis program where you type in the text and a primitive synthesized voice (supposedly the bear character "Billy Bob") says whatever you typed.
Whenever you typed a dirty word, the voice would say "Billy Bob will not say that."
Of course, I'd then type the word "phuck" which the program did not object to at all.
I would alternative f*ck and phuck over and over again until I was out of breath from laughter.
Good times!
That "head dropping" explains a lot, Chris. :)
I never had a speak & spell
AND that's why I suck at spelling
thanks mom & dad!!!!
is that why you screw up "bolth"???
Who dropped you mostly? Because I'd like to thank them.
My neighbour told me yesterday she would be glad to sign a 'partition' if she were asked. She said it twice, so I made sure I said it back to her twice without the 'r' (I'm a prick that way), and she still didn't get it. So I said phuck, and she got that. I laughed like splotchy.
"Now, bear in mind, I was dropped on my head a lot as a child."
yeah, this has been quite obvious.
It must have been a Southern toy.
that is so cute.
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