I'm headed down to the deep south tonight (Chicago) to see blog-pal
Lulu before she embarks on her Bangladeshi adventure. I'm hoping to perhaps take Megan to a Cubs game either Friday or Saturday. Anyone have any tickets? I've got a couple-two-tree bucks for ya if you do.
Me and the UCF are going to the game tomorrow. We don't have extra tickets, but we're going to take the Cubs Round Tripper to the game. Give me a call!
The UCF and I, actually...
A buddy of mine bought tickets last week the day of a game, so you might have some luck at the ticket window.
Yea! I am so glad that I am going to see you guys!
Hug Lulu for me!
Day-uum. That beef looks mighty tasty!
The first place I go when I go to the Chicago area is Portillos or another place whose name escapes me.
Two things that you can only get in Chicago: a good italian beef, juicy; and a genuine loaded vienna hot dog ( for me, no hot peppers-but maybe a couple on the side, depending on the day).
Give Lulu a nice pat on the back from Bubbles, please. I don't know her so well, but I really wish her the very best!!!!
Chris, would you kindly put up a new post? Looking at that disgusting day-old tray of Italian beef and gravy is making me ill. Thankyoueversomuch! :)
I'll see you there, Chris!
BTW, there are a lot of people selling tickets they can't use around the stadium. Be careful-- a lot of them are counterfeit.
Have fun! Yummmmm, gravy!
That's one brutal picture of meat. Almost enough to make ya go vegetarian. almost.
I had possibly the worst Italian Beef ever at the Shedd Aquarium today. Ugh.
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