People have been altering their appearance in radical ways ever since the world started way back with Adam and Eve. When I was in high school, the big subversive trend was spiky, multi-colored mohawks. Hair, though, was too temporary of a medium. Piercings and tattoos offered a more permanent statement and showed a commitment to self mutilation, but have ultimately become pretty mainstream. Nowadays, people are pushing the limits even more. Some choose to gradually enlarge the holes in their ears like this person above. Some have their
tongues forked. Some file their teeth to resemble fangs. I remember seeing this one guy that had threaded holes embedded into his skull into which he could screw little pointed studs. However, none of this can even come close to the African plate-mouth thing. Until you attempt this, you ain't nothin' in my book. Call me when you get one of these bad boys.
I once made out with a women who had one of those things. She knocked me unconscious with it and I woke up in a pool of her drool. Sometimes love ain't pretty.
Um. Not that far. I'll just be uncool, okay?
I was reading recently that tatoo removal has become a big business partly because of people regretting them, but also people who have filled their body with them, and want to remove the old ones to make room for new ones. I don't know if I've heard of many things more stupid than that.
Culture change in the U.S.:
When my family moved back to the US from Brazil in 1969 (yeah, I'm old) kids at school were shocked because I had pierced ears (just your plain old one hole in each ear lobe).
Our family photos from living there include photos of Amazon Natives with those plates. Not friends of the family, mind you. Just photos from a trip my mom took down the Amazon.
My sister has a very old friend that got a unicorn tatooed on the side of her boob in high school. Now that they are in their fifties she says it is a giraffe.
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