Why is it that the few times I need to put a little air in my tires there's some jerkweed at the pump putting air in THEIR tires at the exact same time? What's up with this shit!? I mean, I can't be expected to wait for this yutz to finish doing the thing that I had wanted to do? So what if he got there first? He is impeding my productivity. The whole idea of "free air" is that I'm free to use it at any time without having to sit there while nerdo fills his tires. Doesn't he know I have to get home and tell all of you about this inconvenient experience? I can't afford to wait on his ass!
Yeah, that is bad. But what I *really* hate is when the gas station has "free air" (for the paying customers only, so you buy some gas there even tho it is way more expensive than where the air doesn't work), and you have to go in twice to tell them it isn't working and it is a pleasant 113 degrees out.
Some Guy, I was married for 23 years. I can play the "my life is more miserable than your life" and win, hands down, most every time!
Thank you for playing.
hehe :-)
Please tell me you don't have to crank that thing to get air out of it.
How is the weather there in Mayberry?
Better to wait for free air than to pay a dollar for it. That's what they want for it at the station around the corner.
That wait just (yes, I'm gonna say it) sucks the air out of me.
Chris. Boyne City residents seem relatively docile - why don't you threaten them with bodily harm. I'm sure they'd let you fill your tires first.
People. Sheesh.
You've been tagged.
actually, there IS no "free air" anymore, it's all $.75 for 3 min.s of air.
I'm such a cheap bastard, if I still have time on the compressor I open the door and put the hose inside and fill the whole van with the air I paid for. I'll be damned if i'm letting the schmoe behind ME use MY goddamned, paid-for air!!
Yeah, waiting for free air is nothing; having to drop 50-cents into a slot in order to "purchase air" is even more disgusting...like the idiot who decided we should start buying water in a bottle.
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