I'm so happy that I kinda feel guilty about it. I mean, nobody wants to hear how happy someone else is. I usually avoid this sort of thing on my blog. I think if I were to go back and do a tally, the bulk of my posts would be about something that pisses me off (government, media, Russians, etc...). I think we like that type of stuff more for some reason. I think the evidence is clear that we'd rather watch bad news than uplifting stories about people who feel good about life. Why do you suppose that is?
By the way, don't get nervous. I'm not planning on turning this into the Super-Terrific Happy Fun Blog or anything. I just felt like proclaiming my happiness. For those of you that aren't currently happy, if there's anything I can do to help change that, please let me know. If you are happy being unhappy, that's cool too.
By the way, don't get nervous. I'm not planning on turning this into the Super-Terrific Happy Fun Blog or anything. I just felt like proclaiming my happiness. For those of you that aren't currently happy, if there's anything I can do to help change that, please let me know. If you are happy being unhappy, that's cool too.
Can you come and sit with my kid? That would make me happy.
I'm actually happy to see someone happy. It's a good thing.
Enjoy it!
Screw you!
Kidding. Congrats on your happiness. Really.
Oh, bask in the happy; you earned it. But we're only going to allow this for three more months.
Bubs and I are coming to tp your house. Will that ruin your day?
S.D.- Sure thing.
Bubs- Thanks!
Cherry- I know. It's obnoxious. I'll keep my glee to a minimum.
Beth- Three months is pretty generous, but I just needed this one day.
Johnny- I think it will look festive. I'm looking forward to it!
Happiness is refreshing. I like it. I'm glad you're happy.
We need more happiness in the world... I'm happy FOR you...
It makes me happy to know that you're so happy about being happy.
Your happiness makes me realize how happy I am to be so happy about feeling really happy.
Doesn't that make you happy?
If some 16-year-old Japanese girl hasn't taken the URL for "Super-Terrific Happy Fun Blog" I've got dibs.
Well thank God you're happy. You hadn't said anything and I was beginning to worry.
Happiness is good! Now knock it off.
Happy people are good.
Sure. Fine. Go ahead. Be happy.
Nice! It's always encouraging to know that others are happy. Carry on.
My students told me about this thing you can do to a car with bologna. I'll let Johnny and Bubs know.
The most adorable thing about this post is that instead of skipping through flowering meadows or running on the beach or whatnot, you're apparently being happy in front of your bathroom mirror.
C'mon get happy!
Thanks, Lulu!
You know, the mark of great educators is that they learn almost as much from their students as their students learn from them...
Happy is good. Your blog makes me happy, so you've done your job, Some Guy!
I only read the first few lines 'cuz I hate it when other people are happy and I'm not.
Then again, I have dysthymia...
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