Working in the home design business, I've noticed that clients seldom ask me to include space for a rumpus room. Is it because they don't like the word "rumpus"? I wonder. Seems like a perfectly good word to me. After all, it's got "rump" in it. Judging by the demeanor of many of my clients, they could use a little rumpus in their lives.
There has also been a sharp decline in clients asking for carpeted walls. It's a damn shame.
Your customers prolly never read "Where the Wild Things Are."
Or they're not ass men.
I totally love that room. I wouldn't like to live there, but I would like to stay in a hotel that looked like that.
I like the room but not a big fan of red. And I think barstools should have backs. Not to criticize or anything.
Would the inclusion of a dungeon help or hinder my ability to sell our house?
Hey SV - if you're reading this, can we have a rumpus room. Hee.
My God, the floor is made of Bacon!
did someone say BACON?!?
I fully intend to bring the rumpus room back in vogue when I finally buy a house.
"Oh, you'd like a drink? why don't you come down to the rumpus room."
"Oh, you want to listen to some music? I've got a hi-fi down in the rumpus room."
"Oh, you and your wife are swingers? Let's adjourn to the rumpus room."
See. Rumpus rooms are AWESOME!
This is so weird, Chris-- I was just thinking about that term yesterday-- "Whatever happened to 'Rumpus Rooms.'" I think I thought of it because my stepdaughter was watching the Brady Bunch Season 1 DVD set that my wife got her.
It also got me to thinking about regional differences in what a room is called. I didn't know until my family moved to the 'burbs that most of the rest of the world called "the front room" (or "frunch room" in proper Chicagoese) the living room.
Johnny, what? I'm not sitting in the front room? Where am I?
The carpeted walls are key, they abosorb all the noise from the rumpusing.
Wow, it's been SO long since I've heard the term "rumpus room". Now I feel old(er).
Btw, that looks like a room you'd see in Graceland.
I still have carpet tiles on my music room walls.
Let's see, there is the rec room, the finsished basement, the rumpus room, the game room ... The result was always the same - if you were lucky!
Carpet on the walls? Sure. But hey, remember the fabric wallpaper?
My parents had a family room that was on the bottom of a tri-level with red and black canvas wallpaper, red and black shag carpet, a white TV that was on a white plastic pedestal stand, AND we had Pong!!!
That was a great place for some rumpus, let me tell ya.
Oh, sorry. I'm old - that's probably gross.
Come build me a house and you can put carpet on the walls in my roller-rink room.
I'll take a rumpus room, too. I don't know what the hell it is, but you can build one if you like.
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