as to make it appear to be "blooming" or "blossoming".
They are available at many chain-style eateries.
**This is the last entry in this series.
For those of you who are concerned, the bat picture was
one of the first to come up during a Google
image search for "weird shit". Don't believe me?
See for yourself.
dude, that bat is, like... HUNG. I totally would've fucked this up with the onion thing-- thanks for setting me STR8
I don't really think it's appropriate that you have used the same second picture for all three posts. Surely there's a difference between an awesome blossom and a bloomin' onion?
I dearly hope the next picture you post is one of a cute kitty or bunny.
I would like to request a bunny with an erection please.
Wow...reminds of an old, but not so good joke.
Person #1: Have you ever seen moth balls?
Person #2: Yes.
Person #1: Well...how do you suppose they fly?
I used to think that bats flying in that erratic pattern had to do with their wings, now I can see their are other factors.
As if you'd never seen that picture during your routine Google search for bat+testicles+penis+pics.
Such a liar.
"Can we have an Awesome Blossom, With Extra awesome?"
Megan, I thought that you were going to get a reign in on this behavior...
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