I know. The title of the post is "Bra" and here I am posting a picture of the "Bro". I actually wish bras were called bros. See, the word "bra" always throws me for a loop (or two, as the case may be). I have never settled on how to pronounce it. Sometimes I feel I should pronounce it "braw", like cole SLAW. Other times I say it like "braah", kinda like the sound that a sheep makes. It's this indecision that makes me uneasy, which leads to sweating and involuntary muscle spasms.
So, if you're ever around me, please don't ask me to talk about bras. I'll clam up and get all red and you might get the impression that I'm weird.
Why not avoid the akwardness entirely and call it an over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder?
Just say it like a Kennedy, man.
Say it like a Kennedy.
Just refer to it as a foundation undergarment worn to support and to restrain pendulous breasts.
Doesn't that just roll off the tongue?
I'm with Jerry - I think it should be pronounced, manzier.
Chris, I promise I will not think you were weird for the way you say bra, if you don't think I'm weird for talking about bras when I'm around you. That's fair, right?
did you know there's a "bra" in "librarian"??
How about the "turd" in "Saturday"??
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