
What Could Have Been...

One letter. They were one letter away from making television history.

All they had to do was switch the s for a p, and his name would have been "Potpie". Just THINK how cool the show could have been with a character named after the flaky goodness that is the potpie. You would have had lines like "Sit on it, Potpie!" or "Richie, telephone for you!"

"Who is it, mom?"

"It's Potpie."

Thanks to this egregious error by the creators, Anson Williams is left without an acting career and is forced to scrape by on what's left of his Uncle Sherwin's house paint fortune. Pity...


Falwless said...

This made me cry a little bit.

SkylersDad said...

"Potsie" or "Potpie" are both way better than Anson...

Mnmom said...

Life just turns on a dime, don't it?

Dr Zibbs said...

I think "Lotsie" would have been best. Hey Fonz, have you seen Lotsie? No Fonz? OK. That's cool Fonz. That's Cool."

Micgar said...

I'm with skylarsdad-it's better than Anson!

vikkitikkitavi said...

Um, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Anson William's career would've probably tanked, even if you did substitute a "P" for the "S."

Cormac Brown said...

Actually, since it was the 70's, he should have just dropped the "s-i-e" and he would've been the star of the show.

Anonymous said...

This the " HURE" BLOG?
This with " ADA" and VAATSBO?
You with " RUSH" - " YOUNGEE"?