
Comic Dissection: Fred Bassett...

Fred Bassett is like a humor black hole. Its anti-humor is so powerful, in fact, that any comic strip adjacent to it on the funnies page becomes less funny as a result of its close proximity.

I'm not even sure where to begin with this one. As you can see, In the first two panels, someone's voice is alerting Fred that it's time for dinner. The final frame has Fred bounding towards the voice. We learn that hearing that it's dinnertime is "Music to his ears". My question for the author is:

So fucking what!?

Is that funny? Hell, is that even mildly interesting? I'd argue that it's not. I mean, if the final frame went something like this...

...it's still not especially funny, but at least it's on the right track.


Anonymous said...

I think I have less humor in me just from reading that.

RandyLuvsPaiste said...

Chris- I think you're onto something big: Re-writing unfunny cartoons to make them interesting.

Joe said...

Since you mentioned "humor black hole" I'm surprised you haven't mentioned Nancy yet. Are you saving the best for last?

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

As I have taught my children: Farts are funny.

Anonymous said...

Family Circus, Blondie, and Beetle Baily are even less funny. Getting rid of those losers would improve any paper's comic section. Give it a rest, guys..

Megan said...

Yeah, but that dog is pretty cute. . .

Unlike other dogs we've seen on a certain guy's blog.

H said...

Ha! Also, if you throw the F bomb in there, it always makes it funny! :)

Frank Sirmarco said...

Actually, what would be great is Fred eating some contaminated dog food, and having his owners finding puddles of bloody feces all over the house.