This week I've been getting "Not Just The Best Of The Larry Sanders Show" DVDs from Netflix. I'm like a pig in shit. I watched this show for a time when I was getting free HBO, but there are big gaps when it comes to episodes I've seen. It's pretty fucking funny and further proof that HBO is unequaled when it comes to quality episodic TV.
The best one is when he sleeps with
Ellen Degeneres. Wet-your-pants funny.
That series had fantastic writing, laugh out loud funny!
I love Shandling, and have been enjoying see him on all the shows as he does his junket for the DVD release.
Rip Torn is thespian for the ages. Last week he played a very Artie-esque character on 30 Rock. Yay!
I've never seen it. Although I think Sarah Silverman used to write for it and I have a crush on her.
I plan to buy the DVD set, so let us know what you think post-NetFlix.
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