"You've never seen 'Office Space'?" I asked, somewhat surprised.
"No. I've never heard of it."
Now, my mom may not be super-hip, but she's definitely hip enough to at least have HEARD of "Office Space". I told her how great it was and we started watching it. It had just started and was at the part where Peter shocks himself on the doorknob. As he walks to his cubicle, you hear the increasingly louder drone of:
"Corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking...Just a moment."
Peter cringes as he turns on his computer. He asks Milton to turn down his radio. He refuses. Then comes Lumbergh and the TPS report issue.
It's cool to see someone laughing at this movie for the first time. My mom was cracking up. We continued to laugh until one of my mom's friends dropped by. They chatted over coffee while I switched over to "Meet The Press".
When I got back home to Michigan, they were replaying the movie and I was able to pick it up at about where I'd left off. I started thinking about how great a movie it is. The writing is fantastic. The characters are perfectly developed and portrayed. There is a nice mix of understated performances (Peter, Joanna, Michael) and over-the-top ones (Milton, Lumbergh, and Drew). In fact, someone I know plays softball with Drew (the "O" face guy, played brilliantly by Greg Pitts) and says he's just as funny in real life. The movie also has an excellent ending that wraps things up perfectly.
This movie approaches the sublime in my opinion. It's near flawless. I always knew it was good, but I think I'm prepared to put it among not just my favorite comedies, but my favorite movies, period.
I'm gonna say it:
Jennifer Aniston was great in this. She can do a lot more than just be Rachel.
Randy- I totally agree. It wasn't a huge part, but I think it's one of her best.
it's a great flick. Everyone I know always talks about it or starts in with the great lines of this movie.
This movie is sublime.
"You've been missing a lot of work lately, Peter," says Bob.
"I wouldn't say I've been missing it, Bob."
Wonderful movie, and you all are correct about Jennifer A:
Joanna: You know what, Stan, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy over there, Brian, why don't you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair?
Stan: Well, I thought I remembered you saying that you wanted to express yourself.
Joanna: Yeah. You know what, yeah, I do. I do want to express myself, okay. And I don't need 37 pieces of flair to do it.
[flips off Stan]
Anyone who claims not to like this movie is either a horrible snob or a liar ... I have to watch it about once a month or so after a particularly long day at work, and it never gets old
"The Nazis had pieces of flair that they made the Jews wear."
I love this movie as well and have seen it at least 30 times, maybe more. Even though I have the DVD I still stop and watch it on tv all the way to the end any time it's on.
One of the things I did when my startup hired me to come in and get their first facility going, is I bought everyone, and I mean everyone, a red Swingline stapler. Just my own little private joke, and also a good reminder not to become evil.
My wife and I saw this in the theaters on a whim and knew nothing going in. We were pretty happy with the results.
One of the best movies ever. hands down.
That's one of the ten films I have to stop and watch, no matter how far into the film it is. If you've ever worked in an office, you can identify.
It IS a great movie. One of the best out there because it is so absurdly true and pathetic and sad and true and funny and fucked up.
I caught it on basic cable yesterday too. It loses something in the bleeping though. Perhaps you can buy your mom a copy and laugh while she tries to fix the DVD player at the beginning when it acts like a faulty disc.
I knew you weren't just some guy. You're an Office Space guy! Excellent work.
Oh, the shame I feel. I have not seen this movie. I will now, though!
BTW, I just TAGGED you.
Anyone that doesn't laugh at this movie doesn't have a sense of humor, in my book.
It looks like all of us have the same appreciation for this classic.
It's long been a favorite of mine. I finally got it when Kim got it for me for Christmas.
When I was out visiting my friend in Seattle, I was shocked to discover he and his wife have never seen it. She works for Microsoft, and he used to work in Silicon Valley. They would so love it.
It's in my top 10 fave movies of all time.
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