In fifth grade, I had a kick-ass teacher. We'll call him Mr. S. He was the only male teacher I had had to that point. He was cool. He had played minor league ball and would be all-time pitcher for us during recess baseball games. He kind of reminded me of Sam Malone of "Cheers", but without the alcoholic past. At the end of the day, he would read to us from The Great Brain books. Even though I wasn't into books at the time, I thought these were awesome. It'd be neat to go back and read some and see if I still enjoy them.
What books did you like as a kid?
I read the entire "Three Investigators" series. They were like the Hardy Boys, except they knew Alfred Hitchcock, and would call on him for advice in solving the mystery.
Also read the entire Trixie Belden series. She was like Nancy Drew, except she was more of a tomboy hothead.
I guess I was into mysteries.
We didn't have books, we had to write on the cave walls and do interpretive dance.
Reading sucks. Any book worth knowing will be made into a movie sooner or later.
I never caught on to The Great Brain. But I do go back to my fave childrens' books from time to time. I still love them.
I was into Beverly Cleary and Judy Bloom. My dad made me read the Hobbit. I think he was disappointed that I wasn't as psyched about Tolkein as he was.
I'm going to pick up Viki's favorite Three Investigators series. That sounds awesome.
I read all of the Great Brain books,and also all of the Three Investigators, because my older brother loved both series.
I actually reread the Great brain not that long ago, and thought that they were well done.
Harriet The Spy and The Phantom Tollbooth were my favorites.
The Bible.
For some reason I was an avid reader as a child. I read the complete 'Just William' series by Richmal Crompton, all the 'Jennings' series by Anthony Buckeridge and all the 'Biggles' by Captain W.E.Johns.
Then I met girls and my decline into adulthood began in earnest.
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