I'm going to visit my lovely girlfriend. We shall be spending time at the beach. I'm praying it's not too cold for me to wear flip flops.
I may be checking in from time to time with updates. For now, I'm leaving the comments as an open forum with which to amuse yourselves. I was too preoccupied to hire a guest blogger.
Before the beach comment, I'd only thought of you as a bum.
Drop GKL or Vikki a line to ask for some of their Crocs to take on vaca, and enjoy yourself!
Will you be bringing your bag of charcoal? You may have an opportunity to cook out.
you're gonna freeze to death. Unless you're going to southern California or somewhere warm this time of year.
Have fun! Smart of you to go south for a visit instead of having Megan go through the whole long underwear and boots drama again,
You vacation A lot
I'm sooo jealous
Have a great time!
You're getting on my last nerve SkyDad.
Have a good time Chris - sounds like someone is in luuuuuuuurve!
If you're going on Spring Break, why the hell are you complaining about snow?
Have a great time, Chris!
Have fun you crazy kids you!!
AND, it's always nice enough for flip flops.
Well, for me it is. 11 months out of the year!
Some Guy Gone Wild!!
Have fun!
Flip-flops in the snow??? You really need that vacation more than you think.
You are doomed.
have a good time....I'll watch the place while you're gone, but you know how these people are.
I see you replaced the curtains...
Flip flops are unacceptable anywhere BUT the beach. I cannot tell you how many people break this rule and make me angry.
We'll miss you, Chris!
... excuse me while I get something out of my eye...
Flip flop fix everything!
damn your eyes. this is what I get for living in Paradise already: I don't TAKE vacations!!
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