I don't know about y'all, but after watching the news the last few days and hearing more and more attacks on this administration, I'm getting nervous.
To me, there is nothing quite as frightening as a Bush White House with its back up against the wall. Who knows WHAT these madmen are gonna cook up to get us all back to the mindset immediately following 9-11 when most people would surrender their liberties (and skepticism) for a sense of security.
I hope this doesn't mean they'll cancel American Idol.
I wish Melinda Doolittle was president. Just think how much better our country would be run.
At least she'd have some humility, feigned or not.
I think Ryan Seacrest should be president.
That is hands down, one of the best images I have seen! I am stealing this as we speak.
Love this picture! LOL
I think it was Lee Iococca's new book that finally pushed America over the edge into outrage.
Way to go, Lee!!
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