I don't have many phobias. I can fly on a plane without incident. I don't get too nervous about speaking in public. Snakes don't really freak me out.
There is one thing, however, that terrifies me. It's very existence strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest men. There have been nights I've awoken, dripping in my own cold sweat, with nightmares of this lone tormenter.
Please, don't let on that I told you. This entity thrives on fear.
Be warned. The following photographs will send a chill up your spine.
There is one thing, however, that terrifies me. It's very existence strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest men. There have been nights I've awoken, dripping in my own cold sweat, with nightmares of this lone tormenter.
Please, don't let on that I told you. This entity thrives on fear.
Be warned. The following photographs will send a chill up your spine.
It's Avril Lavigne.

And she's sticking up her middle finger.

She's so fucking tough.

I just hope I'm not the next person to be on the receiving end of her patented ass-whuppings.
I am, of course, a huge fan.
Um, I give you the middle finger all the time. Are you scared of me too?
I dont blame her. I also was probably the same way when I was 12.
She's mean but she's also cleaning that girl's teeth in the last photo. Relax, you're safe.
If I ever want to crank up my daughters, all I have to do is talk about how Avril is soooo punk rock.
She was a skater chick
She said "see you later, dick...
One of those pics kind of confirmed what I've thought about her all along, she would've been taller if she hadn't taken up smoking in first grade.
I'm with hootchandcootch on this one...if she was 30 I'd be concerned.
Geo- You're hopeless!
Megan- A little...
Vikki- I'd love to see her pull that tough girl act in an actual tough neighborhood. She might think twice.
Hootch- She's that old?
Dale- Phew!
Bubs- She's a regular Johnny Rotten!
WP- Good point!
Frank- I wouldn't dare hate her. She might sic her posse on me.
Genn6- So you think in a matter of years there'll be no stopping her? Now I'm REALLY afraid!
Chris – hell yeah, she's the muthafuckin' princess.
Anyway, I have sprung to her defense by finally updating my site. Enjoy.
She seems like such a warm and caring person. She's always so chipper and delightful in her photographs. How could you be afraid of such a charming young thing.
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