And yet...
In my little universe, things are going great. It kinda reminds me of an old Bill Hicks bit about how he'd watch CNN and hear about war, death, violence, disease, natural disasters, etc. and then look out his window and see none of it, just hear crickets chirping, and wonder where all this shit is happening. For the first time, I am in love with a wonderful woman. I have a new car, business is decent, and my family and friends are happy and healthy.
Allow me to get mushy for a second. Part of my overall good mental health is due in some part to you, my blogging friends. Although I haven't been leaving as many comments as I'd like lately, I read each of your blogs daily and take comfort in knowing that there are decent, creative, funny people out there who care about others and the world around them. I know we all tease and bitch and mock, but under it all is a goodness that is evident. I don't say it often enough (probably because you'd all make fun of me), but I sincerely value this dialogue we have. Writing the shit that I write, both the serious and nonsensical, has been one of the most cathartic things I've engaged in. I appreciate what y'all have given me - a lot of laughs, but also a sense of community that makes me feel good.
you bring a tear to my eye, Chris.
you're the best.
Sniffle. Word and right back atcha, man.
Also: you said "y'all" have you converted or something?
Very nice Chris, I am happy that things are going so well for you! I too, am happy that I have found all of you folks out here across the "internets" he he he...
I know exactly what you mean, buddy.
Chris, I totally agree. You guys bring my spirits up just when I need it. I love that we've all become a community. I would never have guessed that my written word would be viewed by anyone other than my mother, and now, we all read and comment on eachother's sites.
Thanks again!
I couldn't have said it better. I totally agree. I started this not knowing why, and it has turned out to be such a wonderful link to the world outside my madhouse! (And I owe a thanks to you for a lot of that!!)
You know, Chris, I'd had some simliar thoughts along those lines lately. Thanks for stating that.
Ditto... just like in "Ghost".
Chris, you have never lifted my spirits, nor have you ever made me feel happy. The last twenty years have been a sham...
...Thought I'd go for the tease, bitch, and mock angle.
FYI: I'm neither happy nor healthy. But thanks for the thought.
My world is a lot better because of my new blog friends. I love knowing there are folks out there just like me!
Thanks, Chris!
Thanks. That's just about exactly how I feel right now.
I wish I commented more. I read your blog all the time and I really enjoy your take on things.
The techs at work must have decided that you're not dangerous. They're not blocking your blog any more.
To support Frank at this difficult time, I would just like to say that for me, the last 20 blog posts have been a sham.
I'm happy if you're happy but I may start working on my own 'too lazy to comment' post now.
I don't comment a lot but I read religiously. You guys are awesome.
You're having a Big Gay Al moment, dude-- the world is falling apart but YOU can sing "I'm super, thanks for asking!!"
Lucky sonofabitch. I'm out dodging the clouds of dooooom!
Mo' Soggy Blues
Me Sob Logs Guy
Go Me Ugly Boss.
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