Last night I accompanied a client to a zoning board of appeals hearing. They wanted to be granted a variance that would've allowed them to build their new home outside of the established site setbacks in the ordinance. Their existing home that will be torn down was built before the new ordinance and is currently outside the setbacks. The new home would be an improvement. They wanted to do this in deference to their neighbors, so that they would obstruct as little of their view of Lake Michigan as possible. This would've also allowed them to keep an existing well rather than dig a new one (between $3000-$4000).
Long story short, they were denied, unanimously, despite making every effort to be sensitive to their surroundings. Their neighbors all wrote letters of support for what they wanted to do. I'm not anti-codes by any means. I think they need to be there to keep people from running amok. However, there has to be some common sense and flexibility.
I'll bet that made you sleepy! I got drowsy just writing it.
*Edited to add: This is not the zoning board we went before, but apparently they all look about the same. Ours had four people: one older woman and three older men.
Nobody knows that the real rulers of the universe are zoning boards.
Speaking of which, have you ever read the Jane Smiley novel "Good Faith"? Its subject matter is building and real estate development. Given your line of work you might find it especially appealing.
I had to go before them here in AZ. I couldn't beleive the number of times that they said no - when the request was so simple.
I was granted mine - one of two approvals that day. It took a bit of talking, however.
Maybe I'll do a sleepy post, too!
Maybe you should have slept with one of them.
It's interesting to know that even though you have the support of the universe you still get f^cked by the government!
Ever think it's more of a power trip for them, than what's in the community's best interest?
I'm with Flannery on this one Chris. Take one for the team and sleep with the old lady!
...or one of the old men!
I've covered so many of those meetings it makes my eyes hurt.
So obviously you and your client didn't show up with a fat envelope full of cash. Sheesh.
One older woman and three older men? You were here last night? We're not a zoning board Chris!
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