I'm thinking about re-siding my house, but I want to do something unique. I've settled on three options. Tell me which one you like best:

The first option is a paisley finish. Megan happens to like paisley a lot. It is pretty trippy-looking.

This one may be hard to see. It's a camouflage finish. Notice how nicely it blends into its surroundings. I think the numerous militia people around here will really like this.

This one has a Dick Cheney finish. I figure this will scare off any unwanted intruders. Plus, think of how nice it'll be to come home to this everyday.
I vote for paisly, unless there is a tartan you might prefer. Then I'd vote for tartan.
I dunno-- that Cheney Sneer would probably put the brakes on any fundies who come to call...
Or then again, maybe MORE would come to call 'cuz it would imply you're part of their tribe...
how about titty pink??
Use a pattern that looks like it moves all the time, like one of those optical illusions!
I vote for #1. It's always a good idea to give in on decorating (remember the wagon wheel in "When Harry Met Sally"). And besides, it gives you latitude for later sins.
#3 is out, especially if you guys have kids-- they'll be scarred for life.
You can always make me laugh.
Flann- Tartan would be nice. I think a flannel house might be cool.
B.O.- Or perhaps just a series of nipples?
SD- I like it!
Johnny- I don't know. First this, then I'll have to surrender my dogs playing poker print.
Randy- I try my best! Thanks!
Even before I saw my name in the explanation, I thought, "ooooooh. . .paisley!"
Also, I refuse to even VISIT a Dick Cheney house. Just so ya know.
I love the paisley. Unless you can get houndstooth. Then go with that.
I'm all for the Paisley.
You're in Michigan, right? I don't know which will get people to shoot at your house more, the "camo" or Cheney's mug.
Go with the cammo and line all your windows with a double layer of tinfoil. That's what I'm going to do.
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