
A "Punk" Of Epic Proportions...

Megan and I are seriously considering going to D.C. for the inauguration in January. I've never been to one and, really, how cool would it be to make this one my first?

If I were Obama, I'd try to have a little fun with it. After eight years of Captain Shitburger, the country could use a little levity. It would be a good move to show everyone he has a sense of humor. I think he should emerge from the Capitol and walk up to the podium wearing:

A Che Guevara t-shirt,

a kaffiyeh,

and waving the old Soviet flag.

Then he could look out over the stunned onlookers and yell,


Dr Zibbs said...

As long as Michelle has "Google this: That Blue Yak" written on her breasts I'll be happy.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he could get a plastic fetus and pretend to stab it while squirting ketchup all over the place too?

That would be the icing on the cake for me.

I bet 40000 retired republican pastors would have a stroke.

Mnmom said...

Now THAT would be funny!!

Distributorcap said...

i think a tee shirt with a picutre of bush taking a dump might get a chuckle out of the DC police...

or how about going dressed as the car laura wrecked!

SkylersDad said...

Michelle should come out in a burka!

Frank Sirmarco said...

You're there, I'm there!

Michelle yelling, "yi,yi,yi,yi,yi,yi,yi,yi,yi,yi!" would be pretty flipping funny, too!

Cormac Brown said...

I'm all for anything that gives Bill O'Pilely and Sean Insannity heart attacks.

Anonymous said...

That's how I dress every day.

Miss Alex said...

you forgot a little black mustache

Doc said...

The old time GOPers would shit their pants and have a heart attack right there!


Moderator said...

And scrap "Hail to the Theif" for Public Enemy's "Bring The Noise."

Falwless said...

I vote Some Guy for Chief Of Staff Pranks.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I would love him to use the "N" word as much as possible and as much urban speak as he can. The "Crackers" at my local barber shop would blow a vein just waiting to tell me "I told ya!"

Gwen said...

He could hire Tina Fey to walk out and wrestle with him.

Gwen said...

She'd have to let him win, of course.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

dude-you're good. That's funny.

Dad E said...

How about a white hood and sheet?