I'm leaving in a few minutes for the east coast to spend Thanksgiving with Megan's family. Before I start all that airport fun, I wanted to post -- for very the last time -- the picture of the president getting a beakjob from the pardoned turkey. Do you think that's the same face he makes when he's with Laura? Suck on THAT image for a little while!
President Bush, ladies and gentlemen. Making this country proud for the last eight years.
Note to self: In the future, avoid doing two posts in a row that mention animal sex. It may give your readers the wrong impression.
Have a great Thanksgiving Chris, travel safe!
Oh, the classics never die.
Happy Thanksgiving!
After sticking his beak there, nobody is going to eat him ever..happy thanksgiving!
I'm certain the turkey found nothing.
And now we have the Palin turkey photos - with the turkeys being slaughtered as she speaks to the press.
The Regugs just keep providimg good material!
Turkey thought he saw a worm!
"Posterity" is really a funny word when you think about it in the context that I am.
Happy TG dude! Eat that turkey like you're going to f*ck it later!
And having two animal sex posts in a row puts you on a special FBI watchlist. I'm just saying... that cable van across the street next week probably won't be a real cable van.
I wish the GOP would make up their minds already. Geez, in one picture Bush is saving (and savoring) a turkey, and in another video Palin is at a turkey killing contest. You people need to get your stories straight, are you pro turkey or anti turkey?
For a long time I was under the wrong impression.
Just one turkey's love for another!
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Have a great Thanksgiving - be safe!
Happy Thanksgiving!! :-)
That's odd, I thought Jimmy Jeff Guckert Gannon was Bush's preferred knob gobbler?
Kirby- I hope you see this. After I posted this I wished I had used "knob-gobbler" rather than beakjob. I'm glad you picked up on that.
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