
Obscure Reference-O-Rama...

Do you guys remember the movie "My Bodyguard"?

Remember this kid?
Wait, that picture is a little small.
Here's another one.

That's him again.
His name is Paul Quandt.
I don't really have anything to say about him.
I just wanted to see if anyone remembered him.
I like the way he flipped off Matt Dillon.

This was the first movie I can remember seeing
that had scenes in it of a place I had been to
(the Lincoln Park lagoon in Chicago).

That's all.


Dr Zibbs said...

He's one of the most important actors of our day.

Anonymous said...

Of course I remember him. He had that kind of voice where it always sounded like he had a big loogie stuck in his throat.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

oooh, where have I seen that kid before...I told you in this post:


that this was my specialty. I'll figure it out. I'll be back.

Sorry for the messy URL-shame on me. I read your tutorial on Zibbs site and everything.

Splotchy said...

More pictures with red arrows pointing to Paul Quandt plz

Anonymous said...

I bet he's an accountant now.

SkylersDad said...

I think he is in porn these days.

Mnmom said...

Nope, can't say as I do, I got nothin.

McGone said...

I believe he will be on "Inside the Actor's Studio" any day now.

Seriously though, whatever happened to Chris Makepeace?

Miss Alex said...

I love this movie...it reminds me of Saturday afternoons after cartoons with cereal ...

. said...

I read that he died in 2006 of a motorbike accident..

Anonymous said...

Paul who? Sorry, I was overcome by lascivious thoughts about an 18-year-old Adam Baldwin. Was there another kid in that movie?

mixednut said...

I have got to back and re-visit this one!

Jen said...


Leonesse said...

I loved that movie!

lulu said...

My Bodyguard was filmed at Lake View High School, my former place of employment. (before I was working there, obviously)

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm, Adam Baldwin sure growed up nice, didn't he?