
Documentary Film Of The Day: The Gleaners And I...

"The Gleaners And I" by Agnes Varda is a neat, slightly weird look at various types of scavenging, whether it be out of necessity, enjoyment, or some sort of ethical stance. It's French and subtitled, in case there are those who can't handle that sort of thing. I quite liked this one.

Those of you who read my documentary posts may notice that I don't really give too much in the way of a critique. For me, there is a very simple threshold for whether I recommend a movie or not - when I'm done, do I feel like it was worth watching? I don't feel the need to dissect films and examine all the subtleties and symbolism. I will if it's part of a conversation or something, but the analysis doesn't enhance the experience for me all that much. If I feel like my time was well spent watching it and it made me feel good or more knowledgeable on some level, that's good enough for me. That goes for all art forms, I suppose.


GETkristiLOVE said...

Hey Chris, on a related toppic - I finally got Hearts of Darkness in the mail today!

Some Guy said...

GKL- Sweet! Let me know what you think.

Dale said...

I'm starting to keep a list of your recommends Chris. Whether I manage to see any of them may be a different story but thanks!

I still want to see Hearts of Darkness too.