Before all my leftie friends start thinking I've gone to the dark side, perish the thought. However, I think it would be a disastrous mistake to nominate Kerry again. He is more intelligent, more experienced, and more eloquent than Dubya, but he still couldn't fucking beat him, even given all we know about the lies and misdeeds of the Bush administration. Blame it on e-voting or anything else, but in my mind, it shouldn't have even been close.
Oh, and to you Republicans that are trying to make hay of this, fuck you too, you hypocrite bastards!
The democrats need a sexy candidate. Kerry is not sexy. We need someone with style and panache. Not some old dried up tree of a man.
Al Gore is pretty sexy these days. Hilary Clinton has always been sexy. John Edwards could pass.
Also, whoever is the next democratic candidate, He/she must have great hair.
Dear Dirty...
I visit your blog quite a lot and you seem to be a kind an good mother. Kerry is creepy because you fall for the Republican bullshit message machine. You say politics is crooked and then you go out and vote for the most crooked of the bunch. Ohio is a very important state when it comes to the election. Please wake up and pay attention. Thank you.
Dirty- Here's what I'd tell you. Many of my readers and I (as you can probably tell) are not pleased with where the republicans have taken us. We are frsutrated to the point of banging our heads against the wall. Unlike you, we DO spend a lot of time following politics and listen closely to what's being said. You often comment on political posts and say that you don't know anything about politics. That's fine and you are entitled. I'm just warning you that you are the type of person I get most frustrated with - the people that choose not to pay attention, but then say things like "I agree with far more of the republican views".
I don't want to be rude or prevent you from saying what you want to say, but it is maddening (for me, at least) to read your political comments. I'd request that you refrain from commenting on political posts unless you really have a point of view, but ultimately the choice is yours. No offense...
Chris, don't worry about Kerry. His whole thing now is how they can't "swift boat" him a second time, which is just funny on SO many levels. Anyway...
Let him rant and be critical. I don't believe it hurts Democrats at all. Any emerging frontrunner can only benefit by comparison to him.
John Kerry looks a bit like Fred Gwynne (Herman Munster). Perhaps that's why Dirty thinks he's creepy...
The republicans are trapped in a corner, and they're looking for any opportunity to spread their message of fear to a naive voting public.
Kerry is an experienced politician, and should know better. He needs to be a leader for his party, not a sound bite for a republican smear campaign.
Dirty- I actually agree with what you just said, so maybe I was premature. Sorry, I have a short fuse when it comes to politics. I'd hate to stifle discussion, so ignore my last post.
I think Chris is wrong to tell Dirty that she should not post or reconsider posting about politics. So don't appologize to him. I appreciate Dirty's honesty.
My request to dirty is not to stop posting about politics, instead I want you to become engaged. I want you to write about it on your blog. Consider it a challenge. Think about what kind of country you want your kids to inherit.
Voting and paying attention is an easy way to participate and give something back to your country. What was the last thing you did to make this country a better place to raise a family and live?
I still think we should push for Colbert or Jon Stewart to get on the ballot.....
Soccer moms made a difference in 1992. You can make a difference. You could help curb abortion, or poverty or war.
I hope you don't pass on that apathy to your kids.
In the end, do whatever makes you happy but spare me the "it's all fixed, it doesn't matter what I think" B.S. it matters.
So, then, no one thinks Al Gore is sexy?
Flannery- He is H-O-Double-T HOTT!
Carrot Top for President!
I like his platform:
A carrot in every pot.
I know, I know, go back to sleep.
I think people can be as disengaged from politics as they want to be, BUT they are not allowed to complain about anything government-related. Ever. I mean it.
No "my taxes are too high."
No "my phone/cable/utility/credit card company is ripping me off."
No "kids don't learn shit in school anymore."
No "my cousin is the National Guard is going to Iraq."
No "minimum wage is a joke."
No "why don't they make cars that run on something besides oil products?"
No "there's too many homeless people on the streets."
No "I can't afford health insurance."
No "my local library is closing"
No "the price of milk keeps going up"
No "my favorite National Park campsite was leased to cattle ranchers."
No "my tap water tastes bad."
No "they're building a landfill ten miles from my house."
None of it. The price of apathy is that you got to shut yer yap.
I'm with Vikki, if you don't pay attention, you don't get to bitch, and you certainly shouldn't vote (so thanks for that part at least, Dirty).
As far as the Kerry thing goes, I'd enjoy seeing the Dems run a candidate who actually holds a liberal viewpoint or two. He or she should also, as Flannery Alden points out, be sexy.
Ugh. Poor, poor Dirty. You should've quit while you were slightly behind. There is a huge difference between complaining (something you do if your soup is too cold) and having legitimate problems with the policies and direction a political party is taking the country. This is life and death stuff we're talking about - perhaps not for you or I, but people are being killed or maimed as a result of our current leadership. When that is taking place, I'll "complain" proudly until the cows come home.
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