This is the kind of winter coat I wear. I've heard a lot of people call it an "Elmer Fudd". It's actually a
Mackinaw, a hearty wool jacket perfect for Northern Michigan winters. I think it looks bitchin' AND its similar to the jacket Brando (
pic) wore in "On The Waterfront".
So, if I've worn this jacket and Brando has worn this jacket, then according to the
transitive property, it would seem that I am Marlon Brando. Of course, he got WAY more nookie than I'll ever get, so you never know...
Wasn't his jacket black and white, though?
He also was way fatter.
yea, I'm going with Elmer Fudd more so than Brando.
I don't think you're allowed to use the transitive property in fashion.
Sorry, bub, but the ribbed waistband makes ALL the difference in the world.
Did Elmer Fudd get more tail than you?
I think my grandfather had that jacket in like 1978.
I used to wear my dad's old jacket like that when I went camping. I loved it. I say wear what makes you happy.
How did the transitive property work its way in there? Huh? :)
Besides, there was LOTS of things about Brando that would make one NOT want to aspire to similarities. He spoke funny, he was fat, both his son and daughter were totally screwed up (his son killed his sister's boyfriend) ... and Brando's DEAD. That's a big one, that DEAD one.
If the Elmer Fudd look is your thing, more power to you!! (Hey, I looked at your skiing videos and house moving tapes--and your house designs--VERY COOL, Chris) !!!
It reminds me of the hat described in, 'Catcher in The Rye' that Holden wore.
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