The Bush Administration knows how influential my blog is and they know that the posts I WOULD HAVE done today could've played a large part in turning the tide in today's election. They knew that I had to be silenced. They sent some of their goons to disrupt my service and squelch my progressive words of wisdom. Am I misguided? I don't think so. This is what six years under President Fuckbucket has turned me into.
gads, what a face you're making.
that's right, President Fuck Bucket started you on the downhill spiral so you couldn't get the word out....I say you kill him? or cut off his nuts, whatever is more appealing.
I never knew Teri had such a trucker mouth.
You go girl!
I think you're giving President Fuckbucket a little too much credit, what with assuming he actually knows how to read AND use the internets.
Even without Some Guy's Blog, for the most part the good guys won. Rove's plot to sabotage Chris has failed.
Tyra Banks would be proud. You are fierce! You found that place of rage inside you and the camera captured it.
Chris, you are still in the running for America's Next Top Model.
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