One example of "knee-jerkiness" that you'll hear all the time is that Senator John McCain is some sort of maverick that doesn't vote in lockstep with other conservatives. He goes his own way. He doesn't let partisanship affect his decisions.
I am here to tell you not to believe it. Before you accept all that the media will try to tell you in the march towards the next presidential election, I urge you to look closely at McCain's voting record, his past statements and current position on Iraq, his flip-flop on Falwell, and his awkward alliance with Dubya after all the shit they did to him in South Carolina. I'm not gonna tell you what to think, just that you look beyond what the talking heads tell you. You should know by now that the talking heads (no, not the band) are worthless bitches.
This post was paid for by the Committee To Quell All The Bullshit Propaganda About John McCain. Thank you.
It made me sick to see him in cap and gown onstage with Falwell, watching him "drink the Kool-Aid".
He's definately a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Hey, Knee-jerk, good column. I used to think of McCain as a maverick I could almost -- that's *almost* -- back ... but, especially late, he's come across as Mr. Republican.
Until the media stops with the "maverick" bullshit, the majority of the population will continue to believe it.
McCain is now telling the American people that we need to send in more troops....which I think I read is supported by only 8% of Americans. The only reason for him to say this is b/c he is trying to distance himself from this Iraq mess. We all know this is just going to get worse, we know we can't send in more troops...there's aren't any. Unless we're talking about local Boy Scout troop 102!
McCain will tell the American people in 2008 that he suggested a way to win this war that we've already lost...and most dumbass Americans will buy it! As of right now...I'd say he is the front runner to win. We all know...and even though they have the credentials....that the South is not going to vote for a woman (especially a Clinton) and they're not gonna vote for a black man!
No McCain isn't a maverick, but in his defense politics is about compromise. He won't even get the nomination if he doesn't go and make nice with Falwell. Also, at least he has a son enlisted in the Marines, putting his family where his mouth is.
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