

It came to my attention that over the weekend I eclipsed the 5,000 visitor mark. I must say, I feel a lot like Jesus. Although I'm not feeding you fish and bread, I'm honored to serve up pointless observations and cursewords to my hungry visitors. In honor of this occassion, I'm going to add a few names to my blogroll and thank them for their support:

Teri has been a frequent commenter here for a while. I sense that she doesn't like Dubya much, either. She is a Family Tree Junkie (thus the name of her blog). She has put me in the "Less Normal Folks" category on her site. I wonder what I have to do to get into the "Downright Deranged" group.

Nobody has a blog about nothing. Apparently I rank as one of his favorite blogs. Don't ask me how that happened. There is an attractive picture up there today of a dead mouse surrounded by leftover Halloween candy.

Sans Pantaloons seems a little off-kilter, in a good way. He does nice, short posts and likes Borat, which is a good omen. Be sure to join him in a game of "Hide The Banana".

I should also take a moment to point out another link to a fellow Elmhurst native, my buddy, Geo, who has dedicated his site to his passion: popular culture. This guy watches even more bad TV than I do. As usual, I will NOT be alphabetizing my list, so deal with it!


Teri said...

thanks for the plug, Chris.

and I can't stand Dubya. I can't even watch him on tv because it really makes me want to hurl.

and I agree with Dirty. mine are in non alphabetical order as well.

I think I might have to slide you on down to deranged at some point soon.

Cup said...

Shall I bring the fishes and loaves of bread for the big celebration? You can change the wine, right?

Cup said...

Oh ... and CONGRATS, Some Guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

The order of my links is totally whimsical.

Anonymous said...

Can I just alphabetize if FOR you? Please?

Congrats on the 5000 milestone. . .

Anonymous said...

Excellent! Can't wait to spend MORE of my day reading blogs. I love it. I'm really not complaining!!

Sans Pantaloons said...

Thank you for the inclusion Chris.
I shall write a testament for/to you.
It shall be called: The Gospel according to Some Guy.