Over the weekend, Cinemax was featuring a continuous loop of all six Star Wars movies in consecutive order. It was kind of nice to see the original and "Empire Strikes Back", which I hadn't seen in quite a while. While standing at the stove, making tacos Saturday night, I had the first of the series, "Phantom Menace", playing in the background. First things first, the movie is a turdburger, no two ways about it. At any rate, I could hear the dialogue, but wasn't paying close attention. It was at the part where Natalie Portman's character is beseeching the head of the Jar Jar Binks (ugh) clan to aid them in battle. One side note: my friend, Frank, alerted me to the fact that this character was voiced by Brian Blessed of "I, Claudius" fame. Getting on with my unnecessarily long story, Brian Blessed (the character's name is Boss Nass) mulls over the request and decides they will assist. Everyone cheers in a particularly lame fashion. The first thing that popped into my head was:
"Yay! Now the villagers have a place to pray!"
This is usually my response to any lame movie celebration-scene. If you understand why this obscure reference would pop into my head, chances are we could be friends. If not, don't dispair. There will be other opportunities to win my admiration...
**Edited to add: The above quote has nothing to do with Brian Blessed or "I, Claudius". Sorry if that was misleading. Trust me, it is far more low-brow than that.
Even though I have a bachelor of arts degree in Classical Studies, I've never seen I, Claudius. I was more of a Clash of the Titans kind of girl.
I have seen Brian Blessed perform in MacBeth at the Stratford Shakespeare festival in Stratford, Ontario. Love him.
Brian Blessed was also Prince Vultan (think Hawk Men) in Flash Gordon, and King Richard IV in Blackadder.
He was also an early consideration for Gimli in the LOTR movies.
I'm a BIG fan.
Flannery, see I, Claudius. Tis quite wonderful.
Brian Blessed is also very good in Henry V. He's really a stud in everything he does.
Chris, I do not know that quote, but I do have some glaring holes in my pop culture knowledge.
Chris: so you're a Todd, huh? I had you figured for more of a Rod.
Damn. I got it now. Maybe those, "glaring holes" were caused by something other than what I thought.
Flannery- I concur with Frank. I, Claudius is all kinds of good.
Vikki- Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner!
Phil- Don't feel bad. Better late than never.
Thank god you picked something from a show I've actually seen a billion times! And Saturday night is taco night at Some Guy's house?
You and me both, Big Orange.
I got it after Vikki's comment, though.
I forgot to add that I love love love I, Claudius. When I was high school I saw Derek Jacobi's Hamlet, and he was like a god to me. Still is. He rocks the Claudius.
"Bringing in the sheaves.
Bringing in the sheaves.
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves."
(I have no idea what the hell that means, btw.)
Vikki- The lady who plays Livia wasn't too shabby herself. I, Claudius is an example of how good TV COULD be.
Jon- You got it!! I was waiting for someone to add that! And I don't know what it means, either.
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