But as long as you're here, I want to talk about what I'm thankful for this year: the wonderful people I've come to know through this blog. I never would've thought it possible to make friends entirely through the written word. You guys are the fucking best!
Hugs & Big, Slobbery Kisses Like The Ones Your Great-Aunt Ruth Is Gonna Lay On You Today,
Oh, The picture is for you, Flannery. Thanks again!
I loves me some simmering family resentment! Happy Turkey Day, Chris!
Thanks, Chris!
Yay, Chris! Happy Thanksgiving, Monkey-Balls!
Awww Chris... you're the fucking best, too!
I'm disowned from the family that I resent, so all of my Thanksgivings should be awesome from now on!
I'll be getting drunk with friends and attempting to play board games. And try to still be a parent. Should be interesting.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Chris.
Beets? Really? huh.
echo- You and me both!
B.O.- Nope, I'm reporting from a remote location. I won't be back til Dec. 4.
Flannery- I thought you'd like that.
Frank- Same to you, pal! Keep up the good work.
Amy- Thanks. Sounds like you have a lot of good Thanksgivings ahead of you.
Lulu- No, not really. I don't eat beets. Sometimes I just write whatever pops in there. Often it makes minimal sense.
Happy T-Day Chris.
Hope your having a blast!
I am LAUGHING so hard! right before I popped in me and SKH were commenting that exact same thing b/c I had noticed how many visitors I had yesterday to my blog! Ahhhh - too funny!
I hope you had a great day!
Yeah, isn't someone supposed to be in charge here? Someone dropped the monkey balls...
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