Don't worry, it's only one question, multiple choice...

This is soon-to-be former UN Ambassador, John Bolton. Does he most closely resemble:

A. Portly professional golfer, Craig "The Walrus" Stadler.

B. Beloved cartoon character and Woody Woodpecker nemesis, Wally Walrus.

C. An actual walrus.

D. A steaming pile of dog shit with a lone fly on it.
Answer will be posted when I feel like it.
Notice how you never see John Bolton and Wiford Brimley in the same place at the same time...
Oh, that poop is gross. Not only did I turn green, but I also saw green.
What was the question again?
Vikki- I totally forgot about Wilford "We won't get any older & we won't ever die" Brimley. Nice one!
Flannery- Don't worry, it wasn't that important...
I like "B"
I cant believe no one has told this guy "dude, unless you're auditioning for the village people, trim the soup strainer!!
I can't decide.
c or d... c or d....
It's either a, b, c, or d. Doesn't matter 'cause the most important thing is he's on his way OUT! yippee
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