
Family Circus: The Movie...

No, I am not joking.

I guess I'd be a little upset if it weren't for the fact that it's being billed as a hardcore porno.


Prunella Jones said...

Ugh, Hollywood really IS out of ideas.

SkylersDad said...

Isn't this one of the signs of the apocalypse?

Scope said...

Ah, the "Family Circle Jerk"

Lucky and Gizzy said...

I loved reading this comic as a kid...only now I wish it would've been this version.


GETkristiLOVE said...

I'm guessing Nikki Rhodes as Dolly???

gennifer6 said...

LOL @ Scope! Yeah, I don't know how well that one will turn out, but the idea doesn't sound too appealing without a porn angle.,..

Candy's daily Dandy said...

"Shitters full"

Reminds me of Randy Quaid in Christmas Vacation.