As some of you tactfully suggested in the comments section, my
last post was nothing but a retread of testicle humor that's already been thoroughly explored. It's the classic "describe
edible balls, but make it sound like you're talking about
testicular balls in order to get a cheap laugh"-gag. It's been done far better by the likes of
Alec "Schweaty" Baldwin on SNL and
Chef on "South Park". I'd like to think if it weren't for the fact that I had been so distracted by the deliciousness of the most savory, succulent fried testicles I'd ever had, I would have noticed this egregious error. I apologize for this blatant hackery. My readers deserve much better.
I think that of all the testicle humor out there, repackaged testicle humor is the best kind!
Thank you for the cross section view of the ball sack. It is lacking the all important arrow pointing to the "This-hurts-like-fucking-hell-when-kicked" apparatus though...
Well, I should say so!
You are going nuts with all these balls posts! Get it? Nuts?!
Apologizing for ball jokes? What a weenie you are.
Methinks you doth protest too much. Bag boy.
are those the family jewels?
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