I say it's high fucking time we had a president with some goddamn facial hair. We haven't had a fucking president with facial hair since fucking TAFT, y'all! Jesus! One of these motherfuckers better grow a 'stache, a goat, something! Come on!
I just got back from the local Wensday (fuck the d) night beer tasting. It was Belgian beer night and all those beers have some serious alcohol content in 'em. I'm fired up about this shit!
Taft. That dude was huge.
lol..he didn't miss too many meals did he?
I agree too.I love facial hair on men...women..not so much. ;p
Obama should grow a soul patch on Nov. 5th. when he is president elect.
How about a prez with a mowhawk? That would be sweet!
you know he couldnt fit into the white house bath tub -- i am just saying
I believe Taft was also the first President to offer moustache rides as well.
Zaft-Taft the Moustache Ride. I always loved that Pete Seeger song.
I am sooo tired. I apologize, but all I read was blah blah mustache, beard, blah blah, BEER(!), Taft.
I will have to come back tomorrow. I am going to go sit down, crack open a beer, then go to bed. ZZZzzz.
Thanks for stopping by Dusty and Jess!
The rest of you already know how much I appreciate you.
I blogged drunk once, it was a blast! Like drunk dialing but without the subsequent phone bill.
Al Gore gained weight & grew a beard after the election was hijacked from him. Maybe it was a tribute to The Taftser.
I meant Taftster.
So Taft sported the original porn stache....
Jess Wundrun is right, Obama with a soul patch would totally rock!
I find that my best blogging is done after a few beers. Some of my best examples are done on Thursday after Wensday (fuck the d) Night Tiki.
I hope you have a good breakfast with bacon.
I keep telling the wife I want a 'tache like that but she points to the couch and says "bed."
Carter had some bitchin' mutton chops for the first two years in office. Does that count?
I'm upset Beth beat me to the inevitable "moustache ride" line.
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