I've been e-mailing Megan and she mentioned how she has become the "designated detail-sharer" when it comes to our burgeoning romance.
I thought about including this in the interview below, but then I forgot. Since Megan hardly ever posts stuff anymore, I'm gonna steal her thunder. As it turns out, she is going to move into my house in Michigan at the end of the school year.
I sure hope she likes frozen pizza...
WOW, you went from never having a girlfriend to moving in with one.
Wow is right!
We all live vicariously through you two, so it's a happy occasion for us all.
...more importantly:
Will Luna and The Assman get along?
you know I was kidding about you never having a girlfriend, right?
wait, you said you've had a girlfriend before, right?
: )
does this mean
a his & hers blog?
Ohhh myyyyy Gawd!!!!
Teri- There is post from Jan. 3rd that will answer your question. I'd link to it, but I'm not sure how.
Randy- That's the big question. Cross your fingers...
Jen- Probably not. I have enough trouble coming up with stuff for this one.
GKL- I know!!!
Congratulations. But I thought I was moving in, too?
It would have taken me at LEAST ten paragraphs to share that news.
And I sure hope Chris likes paisley. And Van Morrison.
Congratulations! Let the fighting begin!
From what I understand, Megan likes bacon. And shopping. and Chris.
oh wait, I'm the one that likes bacon. Never mind.
Wonderful! Congratulations.
I've been wondering and wondering if the big move was happening! Long distance relationships suck, suck, suck.
It is very good that she is breaking into this slowly. You know, moving to N. Michigan in the summer!!!
HOORAY!!! I'm so happy for you guys! It's totally okay that you ruined Christmas now. :)
schaaa-weet! Congrats to you both!
Great times, indeed! Congratulations!
Congrats ... I have not yet made that step yet.
So, if things get tense - you can always have a 'time-out' at Lake Don.
Here's the secret to happy cohabitation. Tell her you love her everyday. Tell her she looks beautiful everyday. and, let her do anything she wants to the homestead.
Yay! Congrats to you both.
Wow, way to go! This is going to be fun as she comes to know you and your suspect hygiene better.
Wanna keep a happy relationship? Be long on compliments and short on memory.
I'll have been married like, eight years or something, sometime this summer.
Megan hopes Chris likes paisley, I hope Megan likes green plaid!
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