I've kept my mouth shut about politics for a while now. I can only muster outrage for so long. I still follow it all, though. Call me an optimist. Contrary to the overwhelming evidence that we just don't seem to give a shit (or we figure it's a losing battle), I like to think someday we might just demand change. Here are a few things on my radar right now:
- Fuck all this deference to the generals. Who the fuck are they? Anytime I hear some shill say to anyone who is "pro-bringing an end to this god-forsaken mess" that they "need to give the generals a chance to do their jobs" and "not try to micro-manage", I feel blood start to drip from my earlobes. Are these the same generals that have gotten us to where we are now? Are these the same generals that are too weak to stand up and tell us what we already know - that this is a losing proposition? Fuck them. They are part of the problem. Generals are in no way above scrutiny.
- I get equally enraged when I hear people saying that we can't set a timetable because "if they know that we're leaving by a certain date, they'll just wait us out." So, do we stay until they surrender? And who exactly are we wanting to surrender? The Sunnis? The Shia? Al Qaeda? All of the above? Suppose whoever we want to surrender does. We leave. They peek around the corner to make sure the coast is clear and *BOOM*, they're back to their old tricks. I'm oversimplifying, but my point is that, by their framework, it is nothing but a neverending battle. Honestly, do these people think there will come a time where we will subdue violence in Iraq? Dubya is like someone who knocked down a hornet's nest and can't understand why he's being stung as he continues to stomp on it.
On your second bullet point, I heard one of those bullshit Congressional Repubs say that if we set a date for withdrawal, then "all the bad guys who are waiting behind every bush" (no pun intended, I'm sure) will just wait until we are gone to come out.
I was stunned. I screamed at the radio "So you mean we have to stay until we kill every guy hiding behind a bush??!!"
my god, did you see his SHOES?!
Succinct and well put.
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