
If You Made $518.8 Million Last Year, Fuck You...

Some of you may have read THIS ARTICLE linked on Huffington Post the other day.  It provides some pretty eye-opening data regarding wages and income distribution.  I found this part of the article particularly interesting:
"The number of Americans making $50 million or more, the top income category in the data, fell from 131 in 2008 to 74 last year. But that’s only part of the story.

The average wage in this top category increased from $91.2 million in 2008 to an astonishing $518.8 million in 2009. That’s nearly $10 million in weekly pay!

You read that right. In the Great Recession year of 2009 (officially just the first half of the year), the average pay of the very highest-income Americans was more than five times their average wages and bonuses in 2008. And even though their numbers shrank by 43 percent, this group’s total compensation was 3.2 times larger in 2009 than in 2008, accounting for 0.6 percent of all pay. These 74 people made as much as the 19 million lowest-paid people in America, who constitute one in every eight workers."
I would just like to say for the record that unless you are someone who is shoveling raw shit for twelve hours a day, seven days a week,  you did not earn $518.8 million.  Not a chance in hell.  You might have made that much, but you sure as fuck didn't earn it.  It boggles the mind to think that considerable numbers of those 19 million on the bottom still want to elect people who openly (and often proudly) campaign on giving tax cuts to the top 74.

19 million vs. 74.  Can't we just bum-rush them?  I mean, fuck.


Mnmom said...

I'll lead the charge

Prunella Jones said...

Fox News is nothing but 24 hour a day propaganda and has hypnotized our dumbest and poorest citizens to take to the streets in order to march for the rights of billionaires to kick them in the face even harder with a bigger boot.

Blow up Fox News and kick Rush, Beck, Palin and their ilk out of the country and we may have a chance at restoring sanity.

Plus, I volunteer to kick Mrs. Palin squarely in the ass and snatch her wig off on the way out. I consider it my patriotic duty.

Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to wrap my head around 10 million a week.

Son of a Thomas said...

And the good news is, I was turned down for 3 part time retail jobs because I have no retail experience. F'ers

Scope said...

I was not one of the 74 people.

In case you were wondering.

Prunella Jones said...

Off topic but I know you like documentaries. Have you watched this one yet? I highly recommend it.


Some Guy said...

Prunella- I haven't seen that one yet. It is available on Netflix instant viewing. Thanks!

tavaresjorgeluiz said...

Desde que o mundo é mundo sempre teve muito nas mãos de poucos...sorry.

tavaresjorgeluiz said...

Desde que o mundo é mundo sempre teve muito nas mãos de poucos...sorry.