
A Documentary Trifecta...

I know this is the second post in a row about documentaries and that, for many of you, documentaries = boring.  It's just that I can't help but champion what I consider a genre of film that is too often overlooked.  Some of the most exciting, innovative stuff being done these days, in my opinion, is in non-fiction.  Here are three more for your Netflix queues.  Two are about corruption and one is about two guys who stalk '80s pop sensation, Tiffany.

I discovered this one thanks to Will at A Moment Of Miscellany.  It's about the art collection of Albert Barnes - a collection that is considered one of the most important and valuable in the world.  The story follows the history of the collection, Mr. Barnes intentions for what would happen to the collection after he died, and the extents to which wealthy interests in Philadelphia have gone to gain control of the collection.  I found it fascinating.  You can Netflix it HERE. (Available for instant viewing)

I'm sure a lot of you remember the name Jack Abramoff from the news a few years ago.  If you were ever confused by what exactly he did wrong, this film should help clear things up.  The film is by Oscar-winning director Alex Gibney who also made a great movie on the Enron debacle.  You'll likely come away thinking that this guy is a douchebag of the highest order, but remember that he was merely exploiting (granted, in a pretty cavalier way) a system that has existed within the government for a very long time.  You can Neflix it HERE.

This is a movie about two people - one is a 50-year-old man with Asperger's Syndrome and the other is an "intersexual" living as a female - who are obsessed with teen mall queen from the '80s, Tiffany.  It's the sort of weird, obscure subject matter that I look for in a documentary.  At 64 minutes long, it is shorter than most features.  You can Netflix it HERE. (Available for instant viewing)


Mnmom said...

I love documentaries! I just lack time. Keep those reviews coming!

Sans Pantaloons said...

I really enjoy documentaries too, but these days I never seem to watch any movie or TV exclusively; I'm always doing something else at the same time, and usually only see about 20% of what I'm 'watching'. I feel cheated by this behaviour/behavior and need to deal with it. Maybe there is a documentary investigating it...

Jen said...

I just watched it
It's the sort of weird, obscure subject matter that I too
look for in a documentary!!!!

Hey Doesn't Tiffany have a restraining order against you too Chris?

Some Guy said...

I assumed it'd be something you liked, Jen. And no, Tiffany doesn't have a restraining order against me. You're thinking of Charlotte Rae.

Jen said...

now..that made me
laugh out loud!