
I'll Take "Tea Party Douchebags" For $200, Alex...

You get one guess...


Distributorcap said...

the writers on jeopardy are so formal - Teabag Douchbags.

I would love to see Palin vs Beck vs Hannity on Jeopardy.

SkylersDad said...

Great stuff SG!!

Dr. Monkey said...


Cooper Green said...

It looks like you've got a friend in Google.

(wv = prophyt)

BeckEye said...

HAHAHA. Is there, like, a Jeopardy question generator?? I WANT.

gennifer6 said...

Glenn Beckham!!!

Dr. Cynicism said...

There's a joke somewhere in here involving Glenn Beck and teabagging, but I can't piece it together.