One of the worst parts about not having my computer the last two days was that I missed our favorite skunk-ass fucking miserable excuse for a human,
Bill O'Reilly's birthday on the tenth. Here is an indexed list of O'Reilly posts I've done. As you can tell, I'm quite fond of him.
It was nice to see Olbermann beat O'Reilly's ass in the key 25-54 demographic recently. Billy, your audience is dyin' on ya!
More poo posts!
He's doing the best he can with what he has to work with.
Welcome back. I missed you.
Were you gone? I hadn't noticed... (sniff)
Photos or sound bites of Papa Bear always make my skin crawl.
shit, I've got th' same problem. some sort of bullshit "virus protection" program installed itself and now I can't go anywhere or check email!! Grrrr....
---Ghost's Story
Welcome back!
I think Bill O'Reilly's ratings are down because I'm a close, personal and dear friend of his nemesis, Markos Moulitsas.
I also would like to wipe poo on Bill's face. Yeah-just as he would say in that irritating voice-"what say you" and "with all due respect..." out comes the poop!
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