Seeing as the Cubs are on the brink of either great success or massive (predictable) failure, I thought I'd post a little something I happened upon recently. Some guy named Pat Imig did a post featuring audio captures of Harry Caray's last broadcast, a Cubs rout of the Phillies at Wrigley. In it, you can hear Harry:
- Call Manny Alexander "Danny".
- Commiserate with Tom Arnold about his divorce from Roseanne.
- Accuse the Wrigley vendors of spiking his chocolate malt cup with alcohol
- Tell Steve Stone not to take the game too seriously.
- Attribute Hack Wilson's success to sleep deprivation and alcohol.
There's much more. This really took me back to the days I used to tune into games around the seventh inning just to see how fucked up Harry was. Enjoy!
The link is
Hey. He was doing that stuff on the south side long before setting foot in Wrigley!
But the guy was a ton of fun to listen to.
I miss Jack Brickhouse's straight-laced, "Hey, hey! It's a homerun!" Harry sure was fun. We used to wonder if he would fall out of the press box.
It was definitely the highlight of every summer trip to Chicago - just to see HK wave his hat and butcher that song. I miss him!
I really wish that I could listen to that, but the damn internet takes for ever to reach this side of the world. I miss Harry, and I miss the Cubs. I keep hoping that I am the curse and that now that I am gone they might actually win.
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