Today was motherfucking gorgeous. It is warm enough to have shorts on and to have the windows open, allowing a gentle breeze to filter through the house. The sun is playing hide-and-seek with the clouds. The colors, while not yet at their peak, are spreading daily throughout the woods. The air is crispy-crisp and lends itself to comfortable nights out on the deck with fires in the chiminea. It is also prime sleeping weather.
And how did my dumb-ass choose to spend this glorious afternoon? By watching the stank-ass Bears lose to the Lions. I feel like a world class schmuck. I'm probably never going to watch football again.
Now that Grossman has been benched I've been robbed of what was turning into my favorite drinking game--every time someone yelled "YOU SUCK GROSSMAN" you drink a shot. Oh well. It's no fun building a drinking game around general anguished cries of frustration and disbelief, which is all I heard this afternoon.
Why haven't you moved the tv outside? Man, you're not thinking.
Today was completely gorgeous, you're right. Fall is the best.
I took Friday morning off and we took a road trip up on a loop through the mountains. We were too late for good color, most of the trees above about 8000 feet have already dropped. But is was nice anyway!
...until next Sunday. . .
Fall? Man it was snowing at my house on Saturday. None of it stuck at my elevation, but I'm sure it meant a few inches at the resorts.
Fall? What is this "fall" you speak about?
Here abouts, fall is the new spring. Although some of the local sissies think the pool water is cold when it is 84 degrees, I still love it after a long hard day of work in the yard.
I love fall. The trees are not yet turning here in the TN mountains but we are still laughing at the Bears.
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