Up until last night, I have not had any signs of a rodent breaching my perimeter. It's been nice. Megan and I were sitting on the couch when I heard what sounded like one of the cats puking. Her cat was inside and seemed fine. Mine was out on the deck, so I opened the door to let him in. It was dark, so I didn't understand why Megan was freaking out as the cat came into the light. He had a mouse in his mouth that was still alive (he likes to have a little fun with them prior to the execution). While he thought he was bringing us a present, we were less than enthused. He released it and it took off under a bookcase. Now, you should know that I am a bit of a baby when it comes to mice in my house. We tried for a while to corral it while cursing at my confused cat. Ultimately it found a hole that prevented any further hope of capture. The little bastard probably opened the door for his buddies and they're all probably having sex as I write this, producing more beady-eyed varmints to come fuck with my life.
I'm gonna be evil and say "I hope they are". I want to see some girly carrying on going on at this blog.
Not crazy about mice either, but a SLOTH!
Now that's cool.
what the hell is a sloth doing in MI?? Aint it too cold for them bastards??
As for mice-- yelling at cats does no good, you know. Makes 'em think, "fine, YOU deal with the hairy lil' sucker, Mr. Loud and Mighty!!" I didn't think I had to tell you that...
"License to kill mice by the government of the United Nations. Man, free to kill mice at will. To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit - ever. They're like the Viet Cong - Varmint Cong. So you have to fall back on superior intelligence and superior firepower. And that's all she wrote.
Yep, there's nothing as fun as watching one of my terriers doing a victory lap with a mouse carcass around the house as we chase after him trying to get him and his kill back outside.
BTW, my sister does an incredible impression of a cat hacking up a fur ball.
Get some sticky traps. If you get one you can watch it die a slow and painfully boring death.
Just an idea.
We are SO going to save that little mouse.
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