You're probably wondering why I was listening to him in the first place. Well, I was actually in TOO good a mood today and felt that I needed something to temper my joyousness.
Anytime I hear him say this I have this image of him as a little kid fighting over a toy in a sandbox. I can just hear him saying, "No! It's MY government and YOU can't play with it!"
For the last time, it's OUR GOVERNMENT, not yours! Get that through your thick, simian skull, fuckface!
It's his government, he bought it with his granddaddy's money.
Dr. M: Only he didn't really pay, did he? We kinda got stuck with the bill.
DC: The Daily Show highlighted once how he uses "In other words.." all the time, as if we all are too slow to understand the simple-ass shit he said the first time.
Bubbles: With any luck, we'll get another repub moron for another 4+ years, right?
The "in other words" makes me lose my mind. I loathe that man and how he thinks we are all so dumb.
"For the last time, it's OUR GOVERNMENT, not yours! Get that through your thick, simian skull, fuckface!"
That's what you think, as we will sit in Camp X-Ray while someone else has to catch us up on blogs and life.
He KNOWS "we" are dumb. 51% of "us" voted for him!
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