People (pundits) have said this is really going to hurt MoveOn. Are they serious? I liken it to people who think a young actress is going to hurt her career by doing a nude scene. All this free publicity is only going to help MoveOn. As usual, the right has taken this complete non-issue and made it into something monumental. I wouldn't be surprised if this was MoveOn's intent all along.
Let's face it, the power structure is terrified of more people getting involved. We are a threat. With the intronets, our threat has grown. A long time ago, back when the war talk was just revving up, I signed some thing on some website expressing my disapproval. Ever since, I have gotten e-mails from this group that I have never read. I never gave this group any money. The group was MoveOn.org. I'm thinking about giving them money now because it's a chance to prove yet again that the punditocracy and politicians are full of shit and out of step with what people think in this country. Plus, they (MoveOn) are shit disturbers and I like shit disturbers. Wouldn't it be a giant "Fuck you" if, as a result of all this hand-wringing, MoveOn's donations skyrocketed? I think they probably already have and I'd like to help in that cause. I urge you to do the same. Come on. You can spare $5, right?
Now, if I could only remember their URL...
Edited: HERE is MoveOn's explanation for the ad and supporting material. Like I've said many times, I'm never going to trust anyone outright (not TV news, not Michael Moore, and certainly not any right wing press), but it is so much harder for me to trust the administration's line on anything given their recent track record that I'm open to hear what MoveOn has to say.
The brilliance of MoveOn and others like them lies in their ability to reach out and connect with people who are willing to send in small amounts of money. While I didn't like the "Petraeus/Betray us" ad, one thing I do like about MoveOn is their ability to respond quickly to Republican bullshit with ads and publicity campaigns.
Bubs- I think the reason it was so shocking is because it came from the left. Usually the left is timid when it comes to this sort of thing. The mouthpieces of the right use attention-getting tactics like this all the time, so we kind of expect it.
Did you see Olbermann Thursday? Basically ripped Republicans a new one for condemning this ad after years of putting up with the Swift Boat Vets et al.
Oh Chris. I think Anonymous had something to say.
Dear Anonymous,
Grant Miller, Esq.
Anonymous: Huh, what was that?
Grant: Did you hear something?
Its the same old song: the Bush Admin gets someone in the military to speak for their policies so that people when they disagree with said policies, "look" bad doing it. I think MoveON took a brave stand here. This hiding behind the military's shield against dissent is getting old!
I highly recommend everyone check out the documentary "No End In Sight" which I think is a much better discussion of what happened in Iraq than MoveOn's ad.
I'm just saying.
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