3. A mop made of a bundle or rags fastened to a stick.
4. A cat.
5. A hare.
Jeez... what DOESN'T it mean?
It sounds like you could just throw it into any conversation for whatever...kinda like that South Park episode where they visited the planet Marklar, and the word Marklar meant, like, everything.
I know this is really malkin, but before today I didn't know what "malkin" meant, and even now, right in the malkin-steps of your explanation and definition, I continue to be malkin'ed by this malkin word. It remains a malkin to me.
Jeez... what DOESN'T it mean?
It sounds like you could just throw it into any conversation for whatever...kinda like that South Park episode where they visited the planet Marklar, and the word Marklar meant, like, everything.
hmm.. marklar... malkin..
I know this is really malkin, but before today I didn't know what "malkin" meant, and even now, right in the malkin-steps of your explanation and definition, I continue to be malkin'ed by this malkin word. It remains a malkin to me.
Malkin-A, Malkin Balls!
malted malkin balls!!
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